Page 502 - Area X - G
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KRA 6. Tech4Dev
Objective 6. To technologize front line services and other services of the University
KRA 6- Tech4Dev 2020 2021 2022
Target Actual
1) % of end-users using the priority information systems developed per year 70% 80% 80% 80%
2) % of software licensed/copyrighted
a. Operating Systems (OS) 10% 10% 30%
b. Microsoft Office
3) % of new facilities completed (Recalibrated-No. of new laboratories/facilities) * 5 50% 70%
4) % of existing facilities refurbished/ upgraded 70% 30% 50% 70%
'Base on programmed Capital Outlay for the year
KRA 7. Clean, Green, Safe, and GAD-responsive University environm ent
Objective 7. To ensure a clean, green, safe, and GAD-responsive University environment
KRA 7 - Clean, Green, Safe, and GAD-Responsive University Environm ent 2020 2021 2022
Target Actual
1) Implementation of laws, ordinances and policies on environment, disaster and risk reduction, and
Gender and Development: 30% *
% of infrastructure/facilities granted certification from evaluating bodies (e g. building permit, sanitary 75% 13% 50%
permit, etc.)
2) % of the total GAA budget attributed to GAD in Higher Education Program, Advanced Education
Program, Research Program, Extension Program, and General Administration and Support Services 80% 70% 5% 15%
3) No. of DRRM-related activities in Higher Education Program, Advanced Education Program, Research 1per campus 1per campus
Program, Extension Program, and General Administration and Support Services (GASS)
Timeliness of DRRM response in Higher Education Program, Advanced Education Program, 2 3 Immediately Immediately
Research Program, Extension Program, and General Administration and Support Services (GASS) when needed when needed
4) No. of EPC-related activities in Higher Education Program, Advanced Education Program, Research
Program, Extension Program, and General Administration and Support Services (GASS) 2 2 1 per campus 1per campus
* Any permit for all buildings existing
KRA 8. Conservation of the Cultural Heritage
Objective 8 To intensify conservation of the rich cultural heritage integrating culture in the administrative and support services
KRA 8 - Conservation of the Cultural Heritage 2020 2021 2022
Target Actual
1) No of administrative functions/PPA that promote the conservation of the Ifugao culture per 1 per HDU
1 3 1 per HDU
administrative department