Page 501 - Area X - G
P. 501
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KRA 2. Strong Network System and Resource-Sharing
Objective 2. To forge strong network system and resource-sharing through collaborative activities conducted regularly
KRA 2 - Strong Network System and Resource-Sharing 2020 2021 2022
Target Actual
1) Resources/Funds outsourced in support to instruction, research, extension, resource Minimum
generation, and administration as a result of networking/linkaging with local and international estimated worth 39M+ 1M 2M
of P15,000 per
organizations delivery unit
KRA 3. Improved visibility in the local and international environment
Objective 3. To strengthen the university's local and international visibility
KRA 3 - Improved Visibility in the Local and International Environment 2020 2021 2022
Target Actual
1) No. of mandated scope) with ISO certification 2 2 3 4
2) No. of institutional awards given by reputable organizations 1 1 2 2
2 notches 2 notches from 2 notches from
from previous year previous year
3) SUC Rank (IFSU vs. other SUCs) Higher by 2 notches from year 2018
4) SUC Leveling (by CHED) III Data gathering III IV
KRA 4. Increased Income from IGP
Objective 4. To enhance efficiency in resource generation and mobilization
KRA 4 - Increased Income from IGP 2020
Target Actual 2021 2022
1) Increase of total net income from IGP annually 10% 24% 10% 10%
2) % of internally generated income to total subsidy 20% 20% 20%
KRA S. Quality human resources
Objective 5. To upgrade the competencies and capabilities of human resources
KRA 5 - Quality Human Resources 2020 2021 2022
Target Actual
1) No. of Area passed for Level II Status in PRIME-HRM (Areas: RSP, PM, L&D, R&R) 1 4 4 4
2) % of plantilia faculty members with Ph.D. in the field of specialization earned from the 1%
national university, the top 1,000 universities based on world ranking, or in programs with at 1% 1% 1%
least level III accreditation or COE/COD status, in the last three years
3) Relevant training hours attended by the faculty and staff members including attendance to
a. International 334-433 1968 300 350
b. Regional/National 334-433 1500 1700