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KRA 3 Q u a lity F a c u lty a n d S tu d en ts
Objective 3. To provide unique and lifelong learning experience in the entire student life cycle
KRA 3 Q u a lity F a c u lty a n d S tu d en ts 2021 2022
Target Actual
No licensure
1) Percentage of first-time licensure examination takers that pass the licensure exam 70% Exam conducted 70% 70%
2) Average % of student scholars enrolled in the undergraduate and graduate level 2.5% 5% 5%
3) Percentage of undergraduate student population enrolled in CHED-identified and RDC- 86.14%
identified priority courses/ programs 86% (5544/6436) 86% 86%
4) Percentage of graduate student population enrolled in research degree programs 100% 100% (1136/1136) 100% 100%
5) No of IMs approved 11Mper year per 1 IMper year per
faculty faculty
6) % of faculty w ho are doctorate degree holder 17% 25%
KRA 4. Globally-com petitive Students
Objective 4. To integrate internationalization perspective towards global connectedness
KRA 4. G lobally-com petitive Students 2020
2021 2022
Target Actual
1) % of students involved in inter-country mobility 0.1% 0.8% 0.25%* 0.5%*
KRA 5, Modernized Facilities and Quality Students Services
Objective 5. To strengthen student welfare services fo ra successful academic formation of students
KRA 5 - Quality Facilities and Services 2021 2022
Target Actual
1) Percentage of students who rated students services at least satisfactory 90% 99.49% 100% 100%
KRA 6. Culturally-sensitive Graduates
Objective 6. To integrate Indigenous Knowledge, Systems, and Practices (IKSP) in the academic programs to intensify conservation of the rich cultural heritage
KRA 6. C ulturally-sensitive Graduates 2021 2022
Target Actual
1) No. of cultural PPAs conducted 1per 1 per
campus/term campus/term