Page 576 - Area X - G
P. 576

1- 69% and below attendance

                                                              5 - with appropriate dress code
                                                              1-not in appropriate dress code

     2. Attendance to meetings, flag ceremonies, and wearing of prescribed uniform
                               2.1, Meetings
                                                              5 -100% attendance
                                                              4 - 90% to 99% attendance
                                                              3 - 80%-89% attendance
                                                              2 - 70 - 79% attendance
                                                              1- 69% and below attendance
                               2.2. Wearing of prescribed uniform  Quantity
                                                              5 -100% of the days required
                                                              4 - 90% to 99%
                                                              3 - 80%-89%
                                                              2 - 70 - 79%
                                                              1- 69% and below
                                                              5 - prescribed uniform and ID
                                                              3- prescribed uniform without ID/ or ID
                                                              without prescribed uniform
                                                              1-no uniform and no ID
                              2.3. Flag ceremony              Quantity
                                                              5 -100% attendance
                                                              4 - 90% to 99% attendance
                                                              3 - 80%-89% attendance
                                                              2 - 70 - 79% attendance
                                                              1- 69% and below attendance
                                                              5 - with prescribed uniform

                                                              1-not In prescribed uniform
                                                              5-arrived prior to flag ceremony
                                                              3-arrived in the middle of the flag
                                                              1-arrived after the flag ceremony
     3. Submission of CSC mandated employee records/reports as scheduled

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