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P. 572

Annual Target    Semi-Annual Accomplishment Report
                                                           w w w lfs u e d u p h    ltu g a o a io u tu n iv *rs lty ^ t> y M h o o .c c m    IF S U ^ O fftc M   (S5)  Itw u o th c ia lp e g e
                                                                                                                                 Check the appropriate blank:
                                                                                                               Year:                   As o f 2nd Quarter (Jan-Jun)
                                                                                                                                   ___As o f 4th Quarter (Jul-Dec)

                              Republic of the Philippines
                           IFUQAO STATE UNIVERSITY
                                 Ltm ut,  Ifugta

                                                      INDIVIDUAL PERFORM ANCE CO M M ITM ENT AND REVIEW  (IPCR)
     _________ _________________________________________(IPCR Form 1 - For Faculty Members with or without Designation)_______________________________________________
     (Note: This portion is to be signed by the concerned employee/officials during the target-setting.  Signature box is provided at the last page of this form for the accomplishment report.)
     •. ______________________, commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures for the period January to December 2019

     ________ ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Ratee
     Targets Approved by:

                                           Ratee______________________________________________ Immediate Supervisor______________ HSU/HDU/University President (as appropriate)

     Rating scale:
                                      5- Outstanding/Best     4 - Very Satisfactory/Better   3 - Satisfactory/Good   2 - Unsatisfactory/Fair   1 - Poor

                                                                                                      January to June                         July to December
             Deliverables            Performance Indicator        Performance Measures     Performance    Actual       Rating    Performance     Actual        Rating
                                                                                             Target     Performance  Rate/PM  Ave.  Target    Performance Rate/PM  Ave.
                (D                           (2)                          (3)                               (5)                                     (6)
     Part I  - Functions (90%)
     A.  Designation  - See attached OPCR

     B.  Functions as Faculty Member
     B. 1.  Higher Education/Advanced Education Program

     B.2.  Research Program

     B.3.  Extension Program
     B.4.  Others (if any)

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