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 IPCR Form 1  (For Faculty Members with or without Designation)
 This form shall contain a presentation of the programs,  performance measures of the employees of the University.  Based on the SPMS of the University, particularly the Table of

 Column (1)   Deliverables - Indicate the deliverables (activity or output/service) of the employee based on his/her Position Description File (PDF). The various
 deliverables are available in the Table of Reference.
 >Parts of the Deliverables:
 Part I - Functions (90%) - Based on the functions of the employee
 Part II - Behavioral indicators (10%) - Based on the adherence to the core values of the University by the employee

 Functions - The functions of the non-teaching personnel should include all functions of the personnel and the common functions provided in the Table of
 Reference. Should there be functions not covered in the Table of Reference, the supervisor and employee shall provide for additional agreed functions with the

 Behavioral Indicators - This part measures the adherence of the employee to each of the core values of the University which are essential in providing the deliverables.

 Column (2)   Performance Indicator - Indicate the performance indicator for each function in accordance to the Table of Reference.
 Column (3)   Performance Measures - Indicate the performance measures in terms of quantity, quality, or timeliness based on the Table of Reference.
 Column (4)   January to June - Reflect the performance targets and the corresponding accomplishments for each indicator and the ratings for the period January to Jun
 Column (5)  July to December -  Reflect the performance targets and the corresponding accomplishments for each indicator and the ratings for the period July to Decei
 Comments and Recommendations for Individual Development Purposes - The immediate supervisor/head of the unit shall indicate the comments and
 Column (6)   recommendations pertaining to the performance of the employee/ratee for individual development.
 Column (7)  Semi-Annual Assessment - The immediate supervisor of the employees assesses the faculty member (ratee) semi-annually:
 Part I - Functions - 90% of the total rating
 Part II - Behavioral indicators -10% of the total rating

 Computing Part I (Functions of the Non-Teaching Personnel which comprises the 90%)
 Part I Rating = Sum of the scores/No. of PI

 Computing Part II (Behavioral indicators)
 Behavioral indicators rating = Sum of the scores/No. of PI

 IPCR Rating = 90% Part I Rating + 10% Part II Rating
   566   567   568   569   570   571   572   573   574   575   576