Page 567 - Area X - G
P. 567
3 - on deadline
2 -1 to 2 days after deadline
1 - 3 or more days after the deadline
3.3. PDS via the Online Employees
Profilina Svstem Quality
5 - complete and updated
1 - Incomplete and no update/ not
5-3 or more days before the deadline
4 -1 to 2 days before the deadline
3 - on deadline
2 -1 to 2 days after deadline
1 - 3 or more days after the deadline
3,4. IPCR Quality
5 - IPtR submitted is without
3 - IPCR submitted returned for
1- IPCR submitted returned for
further corrections
5-3 or more days before the deadline
4 -1 to 2 days before the deadline
3 - on deadline
2 -1 to 2 days after deadline
1- 3 or more days after the deadline
P art II - B ehavioral Indicators (10% )
Consistent manifestation of the following core values: Quality
1. Excellence 5 - Excellently manifests the core
value In his/her behavior and actions
through consistency
2. Faith 4 - Very satisfactory
3. Integrity 3 - Satisfactory
4. Service 2 - Poor
5. Creativity 1-Very Poor
6. Cultural-Sensitivity