Page 580 - Area X - G
P. 580
4 -1 to 2 days before the deadline
3 - on deadline
2 -1 to 2 days after deadline
1 - 3 or more days after the deadline
Part II - Behavioral Indicators (10%)
Consistent manifestation of the following core values:
1. Excellence 5 - Excellently manifests the core value
in his/her behavior and actions through
2. Faith 4 - Very satisfactory
3. Integrity 3 - Satisfactory
4. Service 2 - Poor
5. Creativity 1-Very Poor
6. Cultural-Sensitivity
Sem i-Annu ai Assessm ent
Com m ents and Recom m endations fo r Individual Developm ent Purposes
January to June July to December
Functions Score Functions Score Weighted
(6) (7)
1. Functions: (90%) I. Functions: (90%)
A. Designation (OPCR rating) A. Designation (OPCR rating)
B. Faculty Functions Rating B. Faculty Functions Rating
Add: Common Indicators score Add: Common Indicators score
Total Score Total Score
Divide by: No. of PI Divide by: No. of PI
Average/Weighted (70%) Average/Weighted (70%)
Student RatingA/Veighted (30%) Student Rating/Weighted (30%)
Rating Scale for the Final Score: Total (Average-Faculty+Student Rat Total (Average-Faculty+Student Ra
4.51-5.00 ----Outstanding (Extraordinary level of achievement) Rating for Part 1 (67%A+33%B) Rating for Part I (67%A+33%B)
j.o i ----very satisractcm (^ertormance exceeded expectation)
II. Behavioral Indicators (10%) II. Behavioral Indicators (10%)
formance met expectation)
1.51 - 2.50 ----Fair (Perfomiaru x failed to meet expectation) Total Score - Behavioral Indicators Total Score - Behavioral Indicators
1.00 - 1 .d0 ----Poor (Performance was consistently below* expectation) No. of PI No. of PI
Rating for Part II (T. Score/ PI) Rating for Part II (T. Score/ PI)
IPCR Rating (90% Part 1+10% Part II) IPCR Rating (90% Part 1+10% Part II)
Note: % weight allocation for the functions of faculty members shall be based on the existing policies on faculty
workload. Adjectival Rating Adjectival Rating
Discussed rating with: Discussed rating with:
i t r o i i_ U D n _ D M T - c n o o