Page 232 - Теория кавитации
P. 232

NCPW – noospheric-cavitional picture of world
                        NF – nuclear fusion
                        NK-ET – noospheric knowledge, engineering and technology
                        NL – natural laws
                        NM – natural miracle
                        NR – nano-robots
                        NRB – natural radiation background
                        OM-SFC – over magnet-sensitive fluid crystal
                        PVC – principle of a vortex cavitation
                        QMPW – quantum mechanical picture of world
                        REC – removal of electric current
                        RHP – Ranque-Hilsch pipe
                        RLB – rules of life and being
                        RMW – relativistic model of the world; RPW – relativistic scientific picture of world
                        SI – self-induction
                        SM – substantial medium
                        SPW – scientific picture of the world
                        TC – theory of the cavitation
                        VC – vacuum cells
                        VCPh – vortex cavitation phenomenon; VCP – vortex cavitation process
                        VHG – vortex heat generator; VP – vortex pipe
                        WL – White Light
                        WNF – weak nuclear force

                        Questions for the control of knowledge on the Theory of cavitation
                        (for the entire English part of the Manual):
                      1. For what scientific discoveries do scientists around the world respect S. Hawking?
                      2. What new ideas and conclusions of the author were fanned by the works of S. Hawking?
                      3. What is the distinguishing feature of cavition compared to the Higgs boson?
                      4. What are the benefits of explaining phenomenon of electricity with cavition type ci1?
                      5. What is meaning of HF-POM; what actions around the atom are responsible for covition ci1?
                      6. What is contribution of the intensification of new heating technologies to cavitation theory?
                      7. What is the basis for the new interpretation of magnetism by cavition ci1; what is the failure?
                      8. How do air bubbles appear in highly swirling air, such as in Ranque-Hilsch pipe?
                      9. What does most powerful explosions, thermo-phenomena on the Sun have to do cavitation?
                     10. Why is the composition of forces of fundamental interaction in nature replenished 6th force?
                     11. That they gave 6 seminars conducted by author at the department RET L.N.Gumilyov ENU?
                     12. Who brought photoeffect discovered by G.Hertz into science; what novelty has TC brought?
                     13. What is a CMA, and it can collapse like a bubble; where are the examples?
                     14. The role of cavition ci1 in copulation of FE, ME and in pre-embryonic develop of embryo?
                     15. Principles of organization LT-CAP with the Kazakh brand and the guarantee of its feasibility?
                     16. The reason for the formation of EMW, source of EM, what is novelty of contribution of TC?
                     17. The first Adam was created by whose law and why deprived of immortality & omnipotence?
                     18. What are the racial stages of human development; who will Man be in future, who is NCM?
                     19. Difference between pair’s ci1, ci2 & ci3, ci4 types of cavition; what will their merger lead to?
                     20. How many forces of FFIN are there now; why is there still no “Theory of Everything”?
                     21. The scientific value, novelty and practical worth of Literary property, where I am co-author?
                     22. Is the creation of the theory of cavitation completed; if not, in your opinion - what is missing?

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