Page 236 - Теория кавитации
P. 236
is that if each of the five natural forces is generated by a certain elementary particle or a
micro-nucleon level structure (for example, a wave, the nucleus of an atom) and then
spreads its influence to a macro level, structure and furthermore spreads its influence on
the macro level. However, in ionized or semi-ionized media, it is possible that the CF
can be generated at the aforementioned micro-nucleon level. The main requirement here
is the formation of bubble structures and their explosions under pressure – collapse: they
can be formed in any liquid, gaseous or mixed medium, for example, for them a real
favorable medium - plasma.
Add to this the concepts that have appeared recently: “quantum atmosphere”,
“Casimir effect”, “topological insulator” and “topological phase”, “axions”, “anions”
and “axion electrodynamics”, “time crystals”, which popularize Frank Wilchek (2004
Nobel Prize winner) and Kin-Dong Zhang. These concepts really need the concepts of
cavitation and cavition for their consistency, as scientific categories. Here we are once
again convinced of our own opinion: the cavitions introduce movement everywhere and
everywhere, just as the elementary particles of the Higgs bosons - mass.
Note. Another important point: when the CF interacts with other forces, it has even
more amazing possibilities. For example, in combination with the gravitational force,
the CF can manifest itself as a tornado, a cyclone, a vortex, a tsunami, a volcanic
eruption, etc., eruptions on planets, stars, in particular on the Sun. It can often be
observed that the effects of CFs have particular consequences. For examples, you do not
need to go far. It is enough to imagine the “supernatural” manifestations of processes in
a tornado, which are still considered as such: a sliver of a board pierces bricks and metal
products and without the slightest traces of charring; The tin mug is turned inside out
without any cracks, a 75 meters long steel metal bridge is removed from the scaffold,
broken and twisted into the eight. (Book in the form of a website:
The CF is even more impressive in combination with the electric and magnetic
forces, once again it is not necessary to look for many examples: just pay attention to
lightning and thunder, where the temperature is 24-27 thousand degrees Celsius, as well
as moving it with incredible speed. Although experts and specialists know that the
electromagnetic force and field appearing in the clouds are not sufficient for the
formation and heating to such a temperature of such an incredibly huge plasma in the
sky, it is extremely surprising that they still do not want to hear the influence of other
forces!? Electromagnetism here plays only the role of a wick that initiates the cavitation
effect (EC) and the vortex cavitation phenomenon (VCP), which form the lightning, and
produce thunderous rumblings, and create light showings. Inadvertence can also be
called the attempts of some scientists trying to explain the “supernatural” manifestations
in tornadoes also by electricity.
To take also the phenomena of sonoluminescence, triboluminescence in natural and
artificial media and substances. Physicists who are trying to “pull the electricity behind
their ears” and explain these phenomena with its help can only express regret, especially