Page 233 - Теория кавитации
P. 233

Introduction. There are a number of prerequisites, reasons for writing a Tutorial in the form of
                  a popular science publication - “Theory of the Cavitation” (multidisciplinary specialists need it!):
                        - firstly, for a quarter of a century my small group of enthusiasts has been dealing with modern
                  innovative technologies, for which a special phenomenon, cavitation, has been laid in the basis of the
                  principle of work, functioning;

                        - secondly, the main feature of this phenomenon is that it is not known to the general public,
                  although a narrow circle of specialists has known about it for about a century and a half, since there
                  was nothing to expect from it except negativity: ship, boat propellers were destroyed by cavitation,
                  shovels of turbines of hydroelectric power stations and thermal power plants, so either it was necessary
                  to find a way to overcome and forget about it, or to adapt to it and endure, i.e. "There is no third!";

                        - thirdly, however, it was 68 years ago that the phenomenon of cavitation made itself felt, this
                  story is connected with the French engineer Joseph Ranque: in 1931, the management of a large factory
                  demanded that he solve the problem of cleaning the air inside a huge factory due to high dust content,
                  trying to find a way out of his own will, he began to conduct experiments; one of these attempts gives
                  the desired result: repeatedly presses the same portion of air into a closed iron pipe, after a while notices
                  a positive result - the dirty air is cleaned; although he does not know due to which phenomenon, he
                  applies for his air purifier and receives a US patent in 1934;

                        - fourthly, a German physicist by the name of Robert Hilsh, accidentally discovering this Ranque
                  patent, in 1946, decides to test in practice and makes sure that the technology is viable; not fully
                  understanding the nature of the mysterious phenomenon in Ranque’s pipe, but still offers several ways
                  to improve Ranque’s installation;

                        - fifthly, in the 50-60s of the last century a very responsible task was entrusted to the closed
                  laboratory of the Kuybyshev Aviation Institute "ONIL-9", headed by a young specialist Alexander
                  Merkulov for the development of heating and cooling technology for airplanes and other aircraft; for
                  this purpose, Merkulov undergoes a one-year internship in the States, he returns home with copies of
                  American patents; among them is Ranque's patent; experimenting with the Ranque installation, they
                  begin to adapt it to the solution of their problem; as a result, they improve it so that with the help of
                  one Ranque pipe they achieve both of their tasks: by installing a diffuser inside the pipe, they notice
                  that on one side the incoming air under pressure becomes hotter and hotter, and on the other side it gets
                  colder  and  colder,  after  a  certain  time,  this  mode  stabilizes  and  a  steady  state  occurs,  while  the
                  temperature difference on both sides of the diffuser reaches 100ºC, i.e. if you remove water for heating
                  80°C, then for cooling you can remove water from the other half of the pipe at -20ºC; these same
                  experts  subsequently  discovered  that  air  can  be  replaced  with  other  gases;  and  this  is  a  great
                  achievement that only aviation experts can appreciate;

                        - sixth, professor of Chisinau GU Yuri Semenovich Potapov made another remarkable addition
                  to this phenomenon: he not only establishes the possibility of replacing air with water, proving the
                  great effectiveness of the new installation, he and his assistants create a whole line of mini-thermal
                  power plants under the brand name "USMAR" and distributes abroad.
                        Who  is  this  Tutorial  for?  Several  specialties,  namely  the  following:  “Radio  engineering,
                  electronics  and  telecommunications”  (bachelor's,  master's,  Ph.D-doctoral  programs);  “Physics”
                  (bachelor's, master's, Ph.D-doctoral programs); “Astrophysics”, “Biospherology”, “Noospherology”,
                  “Embryology”,  “Volcanology”,  “Atmospherology”,  “Hydrology”;  “Mineralology”,  “Heating  and
                  cooling equipment and technology”, “Alternative energy”, “Cold nuclear fusion”, “Biotechnology”,
                  “Philosophy and methodology of science and technique”. The last 13 are not only specialties, but also
                  disciplines, so the corresponding specialties should select the right one and develop it further.

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