Page 235 - Теория кавитации
P. 235
way this happens now! As everyone knows, Einstein, basing on his mental experiments,
has overthrown many of the science leaders and, thus, achieved his goal, in particular:
finally approved the dualism of light, discovered the phenomenon of photo effect,
fundamentally changed the mechanical scientific picture of the world, replacing it with
relativistic scientific picture of the world, i.e. approved the world order of the universe,
based on the principle of relativity. The humanity has been a witness for all this for an
entire century. Thus, he made the greatest scientific revolution in history.
Hawking did not hide his reverential attitude to the name of Einstein, he was
pleased and glad that his school friends called him “our Einstein!”.
According to the statement of the famous academician of the Soviet period V.I.
Vernadsky, in nature there is only one force that is able to produce free energy, able to
withstand the spontaneous growth of entropy, according to the second law of
thermodynamics, this is the natural radiation, which, in its turn, is self-renewable. In a
word, this is natural radiation or a radiation background.
The main content of the scientific discovery from our author's certificate of the
Republic of Kazakhstan can be rephrased: “Like natural radiation, there is another force
in nature that can withstand spontaneous growth of entropy, i.e. the force that generates
free energy is cavitation” (No. 2296 of 10/10/2017 IS 009992: authors: AUBAKIR
Daurenbek Azenuly, AZEN Yerabylay Daurenbekuly, Aubakirov Kenzhebek
Therefore, in the above five forces of nature (according to Hawking - four forces),
it is possible to add this natural force – “cavitation”.
Obviously, in addition to these forces, there are artificial forces known from
mechanics and dynamics, astrophysics and quantum physics, synergetics and
cybernetics, bionics and robotics, and even from social and human sciences.
The cavitation force (CF) does not belong to any of these artificial forces but is one
of those forces that have become widely used in modern technologies [9]-[13]. In this
sense, the cavitation force is not inferior to any of the other five natural forces.
However, the following features characterize the CF:
- CF is a reactive force, mainly acts on the environment i.e., the place of generation;
together with other forces, can become an active one, i.e. able to act on distant places -
at a distance;
-The power of the CF increases with increasing pressure and a decrease in volume;
- As the CF value increases, the temperature in the environment or substance
sensing this force rises; this can lead to phase changes - the transitions of this substance
in the environment;
- CF produces sound, in some cases it can emit light;
- In the case of a significant increase in CF value, natural or artificial chemical
elements that sense this force may undergo transmutation;
- It is quite possible that CF can kill living cells under certain circumstances or,
conversely, raise their activity and even cause a mutation.
The main difference between CF and the rest of the fundamental forces of nature