Page 10 - AAS & AES & FES 01082016_Neat
P. 10

Schematic presentation for components of AAS

                 Electromagnetic  radiation  is  emitted  from  a  source  at  the  required  wavelength  in  the
                   ultraviolet· visible region and is directed through a cell that contains atom of the sample.

                 The  sample,  usually  in  solution  form,  is  introduced  into  the  atomizer  by  some  type  of
                   introduction device. The atomizer converts the sample to gas phase ground state atoms that

                   can absorb the incident radiation.

                 Absorption of some of the radiation take place in the cell.
                 The unabsorbed radiation passes through a monochromator and into a transducer (detector)

                   that transforms the electromagnetic radiation into an electric signal.
                 The e1ectric signal is amplified, if necessary, and sent to a read out device which provides

                   the analyst with a percent transmittance, absorbance: or concentration reading.


               I.3.1.         EMR SOURCES FOR AAS:
                       The major categories of EMR sources that are used for AAS are continuous sources and

               line sources.

               I.3.1.1        CONTINUOUS SOURCES
                       Continuous sources are those that emit broad bands of radiation from which radiation of

               the  desired  wavelength  is  selected  with  a  monochromator.  A  relatively  popular  continuous
               source that is used for AAS is the xenon-arc lamp. Electricity is arced between two electrodes in

               an envelope that contains xenon at a reduced pressure. The electric energy causes excitation of
               the  xenon  within  the  lamp.  When  the  xenon  atoms  and  ions  return  to  lower  energetic  levels,

               radiation is continuously emitted over the wavelength range from approximately 200 to 700 nm.

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