Page 9 - AAS & AES & FES 01082016_Neat
P. 9

I.2.1.2               Pressure broadening

                   Pressure broadening (also known as collisional broadening) occurs when the pressure of the
               atomic  vapor  is  sufficient  to  cause  a  relatively  large  number  of  collisions  that  involve  the

               emitting atoms. Usually the collisions are with molecules or atoms that are not identical to the
               emitting atoms. As an example, in flames the collisions can be between the emitting atoms and

               the molecules or atoms from the gases of the flame. Collisions that involve an emitting atom

               result in a shortened lifetime of the atom in an excited electron level. Because the frequency of
               the emission is a function of the time spent in the excited state, a change in the frequency of the

               emitted radiation with a consequent broadening of the spectral line occurs.
                   Pressure  broadening  that  is  caused  by  collision  between  identical  atoms  is  Resonant

               broadening.  Resonant  broadening  increases  as  the  concentration  of  the  assayed  element
               increases because the probability of collisions between the atoms increases.

                   At the temperature typically encountered during analysis (about 2000 to 3000 K) and at a

               pressure  of  about  1  atm,  the  combined  effect  of  Doppler  and  Pressure  broadening  is  an
               increase in the width of a spectral line from about 10  to about 10  nm. The usual range of
               observed line widths under those conditions of temperature and pressure is from 0.001 to 0.01


               I.3. Instrumentation for AAS
                       A schematic block diagram of the instrumentation used for AAS is shown in Fig. The

               components are similar to those used in other spectroscopic absorption methods.

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