Page 15 - AAS & AES & FES 01082016_Neat
P. 15

It  is  possible  to  construct  a  cathode  from  more  than  one  element.  These  are  called

               “multielement”  HCLs,  and  can  be  used  for  the  determination  of  all  of  the  elements  in  the

               cathode. This can be done sequentially but without having to change the lamp, which saves some
               time.  In  general,  multielement  cathodes  do  not  perform  as  well  for  all  of  the  elements  in  the

               cathode  as  do  single  HCLs  for  each  element.  The  multielement  cathode  may  have  reduced
               intensity  for  one  or  more  of  the  elements.  All  of  the  elements  present  will  emit  their  atomic

               emission spectrum, resulting in a more complex emission than from a single element lamp. This

               may require that a less-sensitive absorption line be chosen to avoid a spectral interference.
                       The obvious reason to use a multielement lamp is in the hope that more than one element

               can be measured simultaneously, making AAS a multielement technique. In fact, there are a few
               commercial  simultaneous  multielement  AAS  systems  available  for  measuring  up  to  eight

               elements or so. Most use a bank of single element lamps all focused on the atomizer rather than
               multielement cathodes.

                       The disadvantage with this approach is that only one set of conditions in the atomizer can

               be used, and this set of atomization conditions may not be optimum for each element. HCLs have
               a limited lifetime, usually due to loss of filler gas atoms through several processes. Adsorption of

               filler gas atoms onto the lamp surfaces causes decreased sputtering and decreased intensity of
               emission;  eventually  the  number  of  filler  gas  atoms  becomes  so  low  that  the  lamp  will  not


                       The sputtering process causes atoms to be removed from the cathode; these metal atoms
               often  re-condense  elsewhere  inside  the  lamp,  trapping  filler  gas  atoms  in  the  process  and

               decreasing lamp life. This is particularly a problem for HCLs of volatile metals like Cd and As.
               HCLs  operated  at  currents  higher  than  recommended  will  have  shorter  lifetimes  than  those

               operated according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. Operating at higher currents results

               in more intensity in the lamp output, but also may increase noise, which impacts both precision
               and limit of detection.

                       Since we are measuring the ratio of light absorbed to incident light, there is little to be
               gained  by  increasing  the  lamp  current.  Single  element  HCLs  cost  between  $200  and  400  per

               lamp, while multielement lamps cost between $300 and 400 each.

               I.   Temperature-Gradient Lamp (TGL).

                       A recently developed source of EMR for atomic absorption and atomic fluorescence is
               the temperature-gradient lamp (TGL). The TGL uses an electric heater to convert an element

               into atomic vapor. A relatively high current (about 0.5 A) which is passed through the vapor
               causes excitation of some of the atoms, which subsequently emit radiation at the wavelengths

               that are characteristic of the element in the lamp.

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