Page 17 - AAS & AES & FES 01082016_Neat
P. 17

When the aerosol droplets enter the flame, the solvent (water, in this case) is evaporated. We

                   say that the sample is “desolvated”.

                 The sample is now in the form of tiny solid particles. The heat of the flame can melt (liquefy)
                   the particles and then vaporize the particles.

                 Finally the heat from the flame (and the combustion chemistry in the flame) must break the
                   bonds  between  the  analyte  metal  and  its  anion,  and  produce  free  M   atoms.  This  entire
                   process must occur very rapidly, before the analyte is carried out of the observation zone of

                   the flame.
                 After  free  atoms  are  formed,  several  things  can  happen.  The  free  atoms  can  absorb  the

                   incident radiation; this is the process we want.
                 The free atoms can be rapidly oxidized in the hostile chemical environment of the hot flame,

                   making  them  unable  to  absorb  the  resonance  lines  from  the  lamp.  They  can  be  excited
                   (thermally or by collision) or ionized, making them unable to absorb the resonance lines from

                   the  lamp.  The  analyst  must  control  the  flame  conditions,  flow  rates,  and  chemistry  to

                   maximize  production  of  free  atoms  and  minimize  oxide  formation,  ionization,  and  other
                   unwanted reactions.

                       Flames  have  been  used  as  cells  since  the  development  of  AAS.  They  are  still  more

               popular than other cells. The sample solution is aspirated into the flame small drops. The solvent

               in  the  solution  rapidly  evaporates  because  of  the  heat  from  the  flame.  The  solid  particles  of
               solute that remain after solvent evaporation melt to form a liquid, evaporate to yield a gas, and

               dissociate into atoms. Radiation from the lamp passes through the flame and is partially absorbed
               b the sample atoms. The amount of absorption is monitored with the detector.

                       Prior  to  its  aspiration  into  the  flame,  the  sample  solution  is  sucked  through  a  small
               diameter tube into the stream of oxidant flowing to the flame. The flow of the oxidant past the

               orifice  to  the  sample  tube  provides  the  partial  vacuum  required  to  suck  the  solution  into  the

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