Page 13 - The Wellington photographic handbook
P. 13
WELLINGTON PLATES are made under the most
favourable conditions for securing the very highest
quality of product.
Buildings specially constructed for the purpose are devoted
to their manufacture, and the very latest and most approved
methods, chemical and mechanical, are employed to ensure the
plates being perfect in coating and uniform in speed and quality.
WELLINGTON PLATES are made in eleven varieties,
for various requirements, each plate having an individuality of its
own. The following list explains the special purposes for which
each plate is intended.
This is the fastest of all the Wellington Plates and repre-
sents a great advance in modern dry plate manufacture. In
addition to extreme sensitivity it possesses a degree of general
good quality which can hardly be surpassed in a slower plate.
It is particularly suitable for portraiture, whether by daylight
or artificial light, and is strongly recommended for all purposes
where very high speed, fine grain, good density-giving powers,
and perfect gradation are required.
The speed is 400 H. & D., 350 Watkins, or F/128