Page 17 - The Wellington photographic handbook
P. 17

8.—WELLINGTON               0      0

              ORTHO-PROCESS PLATE.

                 This plate is specially made for process workers, and will
             be found excellent both  for line and half-tone work.  Its
             orthochromatic properties and extremely fine grain, combined
             with its density-giving power, make it also of great value to
             the commercial photographer.  For copying documents, blue
             prints, coloured diagrams, etc., it is, we believe, unequalled.
                 The speed is 100 H. & D., 80 Watkins, or F/56 Wynne.


                  Intended  exclusively—as  its name  implies—for X-ray
             work, this plate has achieved great success during the war.
              Its exceptionally high speed, and the beautiful quality of the
              radiographs which can be obtained by its use, have gained for
             it a high place in the appreciation of the medical profession
              and of radiographers all over the world.
                  A booklet dealing exclusively with the WELLINGTON
              X-RAY PLATE will be sent on request.


                  This plate is recommended to those who require a lantern
              plate of medium speed.  It is especially suited to the making
              of lantern slides by reduction, and may also be used for making
              enlarged transparencies  for window decoration and similar
                  Cold black, warm black, brown and sepia tones may be
              obtained in development, and almost any colour by after
                  The H. & D. speed is 6.
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