Page 18 - The Wellington photographic handbook
P. 18

II.—WELLINGTON             S.C.P.
                     LANTERN PLATE.             Jg

                        The S.C.P. LANTERN PLATE is coated with the same
                    emulsion as the WELLINGTON     S.C.P., and can therefore
                    be used in ordinary artificial light, a dark-room being quite
                    unnecessary.  By reason of its low speed it is especially suited
                    for contact printing, but  if a strong light  (e.g., daylight)  is
                    available it serves equally well for the production of lantern
                    slides by reduction.  A special feature of this plate  is the
                    exceptional brilliancy of the results obtainable and the fine
                    range of pure tones from black to red which can be produced by
                    simple development.


                EXPOSURE DISC.

                    A simple piece of apparatus for determining in a few seconds
                the exposure necessary for any subject, under  all conditions  of
                lighting, at any time of the year.

                    An Exposure Table for use with the WELLINGTON Plates
                will be sent free on request.

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