Page 16 - The Wellington photographic handbook
P. 16


                5.—WELLINGTON            ISO - SPEEDY       PLATE.

                       This is an isochromatic plate of high speed and quality,
                    intended for use with the  "  Wellington  "  light filter.  Where a
                    high degree of colour correction is not desired it can, of course,
                    be employed like an ordinary plate without a light filter.
                       The speed  is  275  H. &  D.,  245 Watkins  or F/100

                6.—WELLINGTON             SPEEDY
                    PORTRAIT PLATE, g              JP

                        Where very high speed  is not required no better plate
                    could possibly be used than the WELLINGTON SPEEDY
                    PORTRAIT.    Originally manufactured for use in the studio,
                    it  is equally suitable for general photography both indoors
                    and out.  In this plate the maximum of high quality has been
                    attained, and without demanding special skill on the part of
                    the user, it allows of the production of negatives characterized
                    by remarkable richness of  gradation and extreme fineness
                    of grain.
                        The Speedy Portrait  Plate  is largely used  in  tropical
                        The  speed  is  250  H. &  D.,  220 Watkins  or F/90

                7   WELLINGTON ORDINARY PLATE .
                        There are many purposes for which so fast a plate as
                    either of the foregoing is not required, and there are many
                    who like a slow plate for its greater latitude, and for the stronger
                    light which may be used in the dark-room.  It  is for these
                    that  the WELLINGTON ORDINARY PLATE          is manu-
                    factured.  For copying purposes and the making of enlarged
                    positives and negatives it is admirably suited.
                        The  speed  is  125  H. &  D.,  100 Watkins,  or F/64
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