Page 139 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 139

20 June 2012 —
           My  Latest  Piece,  a  Statement
            Piece:  Hand  Painted  /  Hand
            Made  Red  Rose  Petals  in  the
            shape  of  a  Heart  on  a  40"x50"

           21 June 2012 —
           ART PRICING: I've had lots of comments about my Art
            prices, (both directly and via hearsay!) and thought some
            people might be interested in how the Art is priced up. I
            DO have a formula. The Prices aren't numbers plucked
            off raffle tickets! & I've had training & advice from Art
            Galleries on how they're worked out:

           21 June 2012 —
           OOOH!  I'm  in  an  exhausting  turmoil,  torn  between
            creating  Arts  from  my  Authentic  self  and Art  born  of
            commercial demand to bring desperately needed money
            in, and dividing time between advertising & blogging &
            promoting  my  work  and  actually  DOING  my  painting.
            Urgh! I'm tired and I'm going to sit down ‘til my mind
            stops spinning.

           26 June 2012 —
           Got my letter from the shrinks saying it’s time to fill my
            questionnaire  in  ready  for  my  Psychology  /  Therapy
            appointment?  Initially  I  was  pleased  until  I  turned  the
            letter over n it said, after the questionnaire part it'll take
            OVER A YEAR for an actual appointment! The answers
            on the questionnaire might not even be relevant by then...
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