Page 139 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 139
20 June 2012
My Latest Piece, a Statement
Piece: Hand Painted / Hand
Made Red Rose Petals in the
shape of a Heart on a 40"x50"
21 June 2012
ART PRICING: I've had lots of comments about my Art
prices, (both directly and via hearsay!) and thought some
people might be interested in how the Art is priced up. I
DO have a formula. The Prices aren't numbers plucked
off raffle tickets! & I've had training & advice from Art
Galleries on how they're worked out:
21 June 2012
OOOH! I'm in an exhausting turmoil, torn between
creating Arts from my Authentic self and Art born of
commercial demand to bring desperately needed money
in, and dividing time between advertising & blogging &
promoting my work and actually DOING my painting.
Urgh! I'm tired and I'm going to sit down ‘til my mind
stops spinning.
26 June 2012
Got my letter from the shrinks saying it’s time to fill my
questionnaire in ready for my Psychology / Therapy
appointment? Initially I was pleased until I turned the
letter over n it said, after the questionnaire part it'll take
OVER A YEAR for an actual appointment! The answers
on the questionnaire might not even be relevant by then...