Page 142 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 142
support workers call it. a list of poor devils who can help
me out with stuff like fetching medicine, getting grocery
basics & giving me lifts when I'm too ill n unable to cope
(which is most of the time)
20 July 2012
CHILD" This is one of my favourite old sayings and I
LOVE that it’s often applicable where I live. I LOVE that
I live in a proper village where everyone supports each
other and helps out and often it’s 'all hands to the pump'.
I LOVE that I get to look after loads of the little ones and
teach them Art & Creativity. They say "It takes a whole
village to raise a child..." and I'm chuffed to be a part of
that sort of village
23 July 2012
My usual headaches are not being helped today by the fact
I’ve got 2 wisdom teeth ratchetting their way through my
ragged, throbbing gums!
25 July 2012
Just answered the door to a delivery man who said "I've
just delivered a parcel, can you tell me if I’ve took it to
the right address?" Is word getting round that I'm psychic
or something?! I managed to get him to give me a few
clues by telling me where he'd taken it and what the
address label had said. I’m a god dam genius like that!
25 July 2012
Now as a restraining order from the pure sable hair paint
brush section of the art shop for inappropriate stroking