Page 146 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 146

wisdom  have  decided  to  celebrate  your  success  with;  a
            card board model of big ben, a paper cut out of an arrow
            made on a home PC printer and 30 seconds of Spandau

           7 August 2012 —
           THANK GOD! Today, for the 1st time in 13 years since
            my diagnosis of Bi-Polar I actually got to see a real life
            Psychologist! Instead of the pill pusher psychiatrists I've
            seen  for  the  last  13  years.  He seemed  pretty  perceptive
            too,  especially  when  he  commented  "Oh  God  I  can't
            believe YOU live in Redditch”! It must drive you MAD!"
            Then  he  apologised  and  reminded  himself  he's  been
            asked not to use that word with Mental patients.

           10 August 2012 —
           Wrote some basic info on Bi-Polar Disorder & sent it to
            Redditch Borough Council 4 them 2 refer 2 when dealing
            with  customers  experiencing  the  disability.  I  could  tell
            from my dealings with them that, even though I'm listed
            as  a  vulnerable  person  they  had  virtually  no
            understanding  of  the  condition.  2  many  places  think
            being accessible to disabled people means putting a ramp
            in for wheel chair access but mobility is just 1 of many
            types of 'disability'. Lots of disabilities are 'hidden' (e.g.
            Autism,  Sensory  Impairment,  Mental  Illness,  Learning
            Difficulties etc.) & these get over looked & aren't catered
            for as much
            Organisations  think  sticking  a  ramp  in  means  that’s
            disability access covered. I used to work as the manager
            of an Advocacy Project and part of my job role was to
            go to Councils and things advising them how to meet the
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