Page 157 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 157
16 October 2012
American Authorities suggest drugging ALL 'poor'
children, en mass, with things like Ritalin, whether they
have a cognitive disability or not, "in the name of 'Social
Justice'!? WTF?! Maybe they should just move
somewhere more free and humane like...Nazi Germany!
16 October 2012
My cynical, suspicious brain kicked in the other day when
Tesco pharmacy gave me a "Free goody bag". I supposed
it probably just contained a load of bumf trying to
convince you to take the flu vaccine. But, of course I
WAS WRONG, it contained a load of bumf trying to
convince you to take the flu vaccine AND a free tea bag!
Yes! Come on!
16 October 2012
Why do I always make things difficult for myself?! I'm on-
ly trying to make Halloween Bunting but I've come up
with the over complicated, long winded design idea of
putting hand cut Victorian Silhouettes of Witches on
every one. Next year I'm doing dots, with a hole punch.
19 October 2012
I’m PANICKING! I've used the exact same black hair dye
for 4 years - this is the first time it’s started to look a
pinky purple colour when I've put it on! In 45 minutes
we'll know if I have pinky purple hair! Please start
praying for me now!
22 October 2012
Shabby Chic / 'Make do n Mend' style Christmas