Page 159 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 159
28 October 2012
As well as Tesco’s yesterday, I also had the grave
misfortune of having to go to B&Q. There was 1
member of staff busy 'leaning', 3 busy chatting, 2 busy
standing still and gazing ahead as if they've had a
lobotomy and ONE till open for an entire line of
Saturday morning customers. Eventually I took my Glue
Gun sticks thru the 'SELF SERVE' till and got asked for
I.D...... In case of solvent abuse! So 'I’ll be spending the
rest of the day with a glue gun stick up each nostril.
28 October 2012
I just found a packet of codeine under the sofa! I couldn't
have been happier if I'd found a £10 pound note!
1 November 2012
As it’s my Birthday tomorrow, I might go for a drink in the
village tomorrow night if I've got enough energy left
after being in Birmingham all day. Then again, I might
not turn up ‘cos in the cold, dark Seasons I tend to go to
bed at about, September . . .
4 November 2012
I enjoyed a day in my Beautiful Birmingham. Clean smart
environment, fast friendly service, members of the public
who DON'T mostly look like they've had an
experimental lobotomy....As soon as we arrived back at
Redditch train station we were met by 2 police cars and a
riot van and a copper arrested a hooded lad as he got off
the train. Welcome back to Redditch. "This is where the
service terminates. All change”!!