Page 53 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 53

affording my electric bill. Among their ideas were:
           If  you  have  children  &  they  are  in  need  of  new  shoes,
            make them go without 'til you’ve paid your electric bill .
            Also, instead of putting your heating on, put on an Extra
            jumper.  How  thoughtful  of  them!  I  might  take  their
            Extra  jumper  idea  a  step  further  by  also  putting  on  a
            balaclava then going & smashing their windows in!

           18 April 2011 —
           Do  I  look  like  a  God  Damn  'people  person’?!  Oh  for
            Chrysake. Under the pop up that says 1,480,229 people
            'Like' God is one saying 5,660,399 people 'Like' The Bible
            so  I'm  thinking  maybe  God  wasn't  the  most  popular
            character in that book after all. Was there a sneaky butler
            in it, or a wacky but brilliant detective? People love those

           20 April 2011 —
           I  am  preparing  for  the  arrival  of  both  nephews  for  a
            sleepover. Hatches are being battened down, tranquilisers
            are  being  stocked  up  on,  protective  clothing  is  being
            donned and as I gather up anything around my flat that
            might  be  'inappropriate'  for  small  children,  it's dawning
            on  me  that  I  might  need  to  rent  a  commercial  storage

           23 April 2011 —
           Thinking  of  that  advert  where  those  two,  elderly
            picnickers  accidentally  get  on  a  rollercoaster,  when  I
            finally reach the end of my life, Oh happy day, I just want
            my gravestone to read 'what cheese was that!?'

           25 April 2011 —
           Feeling  sad,  melancholy,  depressed.  I've  got  loads  of
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