Page 48 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 48

22 January 2011 —
           Do any of my 'Arty' friends know anything about 'Artist's
            Trading  Cards'  or  ATCs?  Little  miniature  canvases  and
            boards - 2.5" X 3.5" on which you create mini art work
            and  put  your  contact  details  on  back  and  swap  or  give
            them? Has anyone else done this? I'm going to have a go.

           23 January 2011 —
           I’m in that frame of mind where if I was to sink to the
            bottom of a river I could barely be bothered to kick my
            way back the surface. Hmmmmmph

           25 January 2011 —
           MATHS PROBLEM FOR TODAY: Ona has £2.46. Her
            Car tax is £110 for 6 months. If Ona travels at 60 miles
            per hour with the £2.46 in her left pocket, HOW SOON
            SHE NEEDS TO JUMP OFF?

           27 January 2011 —
           BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND - Ona's 'On The Bright
            Side'. Today, the light's broken in my bathroom & with
            no  heating  in  there  either  it's  bitterly  cold.  ON  THE
            BRIGHT SIDE, my hot water's packed up as well so I'm
            spending less time in there. YES!
           I’m sick of everything I touch turning to crap! My clothes
            don't fit cos I've put weight on and I can't afford to buy
            new  ones.  My  chest  of  drawers  has  collapsed  so  the
            drawers don't slide in n out; they're just stacked on top of
            one another...
           My  mobile  phone  screen  is  cracked  in  4  places,  I've  got
            cardboard  inside  my  shoes  to  try  n  block  the  holes  up
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