Page 46 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 46
17 January 2011
All those childhood fairy tales were just a trick to lull us
into a false sense of security and entice us towards
adult-hood. Clearly if Cinderella was real she wouldn't
have been 'rescued' and lived happily ever after, she
would have been named Cinderella having finally
dropped dead in the cinders where she had worked a
long, relentless life of drudgery as a 'Char-lady'.
19 January 2011
Oh! TESCO's, is it your consistency people love? Your
customer service was up to the same standard as always
today; ME TO SHOP ASSISTANT: "Excuse me could
you tell me the price of this please?" SHOP
ASSISTANT: "No cos there ain’t one on there is 'tha'!"
By sending all the shopping on the back seat of my car
hurtling into the back of my head as I hit the brake!
Mostly heavy tins and jars but don't worry, I was also hit
by a deep dish cheesecake so I didn't just sustain head
injuries, I also ended up looking fu**ing stupid as well
I tried Morrison’s once before Xmas. One was not
amused! I didn't like having to unlock the trolley with a
pound coin, I didn't like the fact I couldn't get a takeaway
Latte to walk round with and I was most disappointed
that they had no pharmacy counter.
22 January 2011
This is my attempt at a 'happier' piece of art work. Still
using the mixed media collage technique, this one is
called 'Home is where the Heart is' and contains vintage
& war time found objects.