Page 16 - RIZE_458.2_Franchise Doc_2ndDraft
P. 16

Example P&L

            Franchise illustration with costs based on last 6 months actuals

                                        e.g. 1          e.g. 2          e.g. 3
                                        per annum
                Sales                   £240,000        £280,000        £320,000

                Transaction Costs       £1,800          £2,100          £2,400
                Promotion & Marketing   £10,800         £10,800         £10,800
                Stationery              £1,200          £1,200          £1,200
                Total Marketing         £12,000         £12,000         £12,000
                Other admin expenses
                Computer Expenses       £3,840          £3,840          £3,840
                Insurances              £1,176          £1,176          £1,176
                Music Licences          £300            £300            £300
                Performing Rights Society  £564         £564            £564
                Professional Fees       £0              £0              £0
                Staff Uniform           £0              £0              £0
                Sundry Trade Expenses   £2,400          £2,400          £2,400
                Telephone               £1,200          £1,200          £1,200
                Training                £600            £600            £600
                Water Machine           £180            £180            £180
                Total Other admin expenses  £10,260     £10,260         £10,260

                Property costs
                Electricity             £3,600          £3,600          £3,600
                Svcs Chge/Buildings ins  £10,800        £10,800         £10,800
                General Rates           £28,800         £28,800         £28,800
                Rent                    £52,000         £52,000         £52,000
                Total Property costs    £95,200         £95,200         £95,200

                Repairs and Maintenance
                Cleaning                £1,800          £1,800          £1,800
                Repairs and Renewals    £4,800          £4,800          £4,800
                Total Repairs and Maintenance  £6,600   £6,600          £6,600

                Wages and Salaries
                Manager Salary          £25,000         £25,000         £25,000
                Employee Salaries       £18,000         £18,000         £18,000
                Employers N.I.          £3,600          £3,600          £3,600
                Pension                 £914            £914            £914
                Self Employed           £48,000         £48,000         £48,000
                Total Wages and Salaries  £95,514       £95,514         £95,514

                Total Operating Expenses  £221,374      £221,674        £221,974

                Professional Fees       £1,000          £1,000          £1,000
                Franchise Fees          £30,000         £30,000         £30,000

                Total Op Expenses incl   £252,374       £252,674        £252,974
                franchise related

                EBITDA                  -£12,374        £27,326         £67,026

                EBITDA + Managers salary  £12,626       £52,326         £92,026

                Initial investment:
                Franchise fee            £15,000         £15,000         £15,000
                Site purchase            £150,000        £150,000        £150,000
                Total                    £165,000        £165,000        £165,000                         16
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