Page 6 - RIZE_458.2_Franchise Doc_2ndDraft
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Our Values
Classes designed to be workouts that work, given by trainers who help members to
improve technique and get the most from the class. Classes are the perfect size to
achieve this.
Build relationships, it’s personal, intimate where you are known and get to be
known. Social.
Variety to maintain interest, choice. The experience is worth repeating - enjoyable
and becomes easy to motivate yourself to workout, rather than letting boredom
become an excuse for not exercising.
Easy to say yes to, easy to book in, easy to get to, very local. The right class at
the right time. Smooth experience - Rize likes to make it easy to exercise. Matches
member’s need for flexibility and time demands.
Be the Buzz in a member’s day. Mood enhancing. Life affirming. Feel good just by
walking in. Body positivity and tolerance. How good they feel after a class.