Page 8 - RIZE_458.2_Franchise Doc_2ndDraft
P. 8
Who Are Our Clients
• The Time Maximisers
30 minutes or back to back for 60 most likely peak for work hours, but could
be parents with time demands during the rest of the day, could be maximising
the combination of exercises to meet their ‘plan’.
• The Social Set
Arrive in groups, or go to the same class to be with the same people. Join
together in groups of more than two. May be a group of mums/ parents. Refer
to it as ‘my class’. May be their only exercise.
• The Togethers
Buddies or couples. Come together, join together, sometimes take turns while
the other handles home/ children. Like that both can get a great workout
without typical gym pressures.
• Sociable Singles
Prefer to not workout alone. Like that they get to just ‘be themselves’ and meet
people locally.
• With Children
Each of the above may have different needs when their children are added as a
dimension. They might be looking to join in for a family class, or be baby-friendly.
They like knowing we value their time.