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• We have a Give and Get ethos to maintain
If you would like to join The Supper Club a community where members help and learn
and its extraordinary community of inspiring from peers
entrepreneurs, here are our criteria to be
considered for membership: • The Chatham House Rule applies to all of
our roundtable events so members can be
• Only the founder & CEO can be a member, open and honest
not their business (but senior managers can
attend our workshop and speaker led events • Overt selling is not allowed, although it is
as well as our Directors Day) not uncommon for our members to discover
business opportunities with fellow members
• Your business must have at least 20%
sustained growth with a minimum turnover THE MEMBERSHIP
of £1million or have raised on a valuation of
£5million and have a minimum of 10 staff. We have several membership options for
For agency style businesses the minimum founders & CEOs, and programmes for
turnover is £3million with 20 staff. your senior managers. We consider all
applications on their own merits and we
• Membership excludes consultants, meet all potential members face to face to
professional and financial services, one-man ensure a good fit and a commitment to the
bands, life coaches, mentors and anyone Club’s values, culture and ethos.
only interested in selling to our members)
If you would like to explore membership of
• The Supper Club is industry agnostic, The Supper Club and the ways it could help
B2B and B2C (to retain a good balance, you and your business, then get in touch by
we occasionally restrict membership from calling our team on 020 3697 0810 or by
certain sectors) emailing
The Supper Club is the sum of many valuable things but the most important to me is the
sharing of information – issues faced, opportunities presented, with a peer group of business
founders and entrepreneurs in a completely open, trusting and fun environment. It was a
revelation for me and a revolution for my business.
Graham Painter, Founder, Cream