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          MEMBER INSIGHT:                      LIFE AFTER EXIT: SIMON SOLE
          HOW TO INVEST
          HOW TO INVEST                        BEING AN INVESTOR
          HOW TO INVEST
          Here are five pearls of wisdom                      I founded a company
          based on the experiences of                         called Exclusive
                                                              Analysis which
          members who invest:                                 analysed violent and
          • Investor or adviser: Decide if                    political risk
                                                              worldwide for the
          you are going to be a passive                        insurance industry.
          or active investor. Be upfront
          in asking what is expected of                       We sold in 2011 to
          you as an investor and, vice         IHS Markit, and I worked there for about a
          versa, agree what is expected        year before leaving. After that I started a
          from the management team. If         film company called Bandoola Productions
          you’re investing in more than        and did a series of SEIS investments. I
          one business then you need to        also informally advise startups, especially
          manage your time and their           scalable tech subscription businesses like
          expectations                         the one I founded. For anyone else looking
                                               to invest or advise, here are some of my tips
          • Management team: Can they          and observations:
          solve their own problems or          When investing, you have to believe in
          will they suck you in? Some          the proposition. You’re only likely to make
          management teams may need            the right investment in an area you know
          hand holding, so be clear on how     about; so invest where you can see some
          much time you’re willing to invest.   potential that other people have missed.
          Are you receiving regular KPIs
          and will they tell you when things   IMPACT INVESTOR
          aren’t going well? If you’re not     I tend to get involved but the investor
          hearing from investees regularly, it   should be light touch as you don’t want
          can be a bad sign                    to do surgery the whole time. The most
                                               important thing I look for in a business is
          • Taking the lead: When you’re       the people, which trumps everything else.
          above a certain threshold of         I’m opposed to investing in partnerships
          ownership, you may be seen to        of two or more founders because you’re
          have a certain responsibility. If    buying into relationship risk; they end up
                                               fighting over the business and who owns
          you’re the ‘lead’ or ‘cornerstone’   what.
          investor you could have to explain
          to investors who may have            You need to be extremely careful about
          invested because of you why it’s     tax with EIS/SEIS in that you can’t take any
          going wrong                          kind of preferential benefit. In particular,
                                               you have to be very careful about how the
          • Taking responsibility: Be aware    exit is structured and take risks right to the
          that if you’re on the board and      end.
          something goes wrong, it could be
          attributed to you or you may feel    You cannot have preferential status in the
          morally responsible to bail it out.   sale as that is a violation of the tax benefit,
          Equally, if you keep putting money   and you could end up losing it. Similarly,
          in, it could encourage laziness in   you can’t take anything that could be
          the management team                  construed as benefit-in-kind. For example,
                                               taking a business class flight that the
          • Qualified investment: Check        company pays for to meet clients for them
                                               could be construed as gaining benefit.
          the company qualifies for SEIS/
          EIS both at the outset and on        The problem with many investments is that,
          an ongoing basis (property           even with the good ones, it tends to get
          and hospitality don’t qualify).      diluted; so even if they grow 20 times, you
          Complete references on both the      don’t come out with that. Out of around six
          investment and the senior team       investments one has worked out very well,
          as you would an employee.            so I’m up on my portfolio.
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