Page 26 - Exit feature 2017 Final new amended new
P. 26


       Members warn against rushing into                        avoid making snap decisions about things
       another investment and recommend wealth                  you don’t know much about, or have an
       planning as early as possible as you are                 interest in. It will also help you politely
       likely to be bombarded by friends, family,               decline those who don’t meet your criteria,
       contacts, and advisers. If you have a clear              especially if it’s a friend asking for money.
       plan, it’s easier to say no to anything
       outside of it.                                           Before deciding what kind of investor
                                                                you will be, what you want to invest in,
       INVESTING AFTER AN EXIT                                  and why, ask yourself if you can add real
       Members really value The Supper Club   Ask to be sent a   value and influence the result. Would
       for confidential advice from peers about   monthly investor   the business simply benefit from a cash
       becoming an investor, because people   update and consider   injection at this stage or can you bring
       are very open about what has worked,   putting someone   value in any other ways? Looking at
       what hasn’t, and why. While everyone has   on the board as a   the business, is there a genuine market
       had different experiences, there are some   NED to oversee the   opportunity? Do people want it and
       common pitfalls to avoid and advice for   operational elements   can they meet an unmet need? Is there
       anyone who wants to invest.           so that you don’t   evidence of demand for the product at the
                                             want to be bogged
                                             down in detail.    price they are proposing? Can you make
       Having investment criteria will help you                 a decent margin out of it; and is there

          ADJUSTING TO NEW OWNERSHIP        The best outcome was that, having
                                            The best outcome was that, having
          Lara Morgan, Founder, Pacific Direct
          Lara Morgan, Founder, Pacific Direct  departed suddenly, I could immerse
                                            departed suddenly, I could immerse
                                            myself in a family adventure with a four-
                                            myself in a family adventure with a four-
          Lara Morgan built global leading
          Lara Morgan built global leading   year old, six-year old and an eight-year
                                            year old, six-year old and an eight-year
                                            old. We travelled with the children for
          brand licensing business, Pacific Direct,
          brand licensing business, Pacific Direct,   old. We travelled with the children for
          over seventeen years before selling
                                            five months around Australasia, which
          over seventeen years before selling   five months around Australasia, which   Lara Morgan
          a majority shareholding for £20m in
          a majority shareholding for £20m in   was priceless. I also had this list of stuff
                                            was priceless. I also had this list of stuff
          2008. She now invests in great British   to do, like getting my teeth checked, my
          2008. She now invests in great British
                                            to do, like getting my teeth checked, my
          innovations that ‘genuinely improve the   eyes checked; stuff everyone does but
          innovations that ‘genuinely improve the
                                            eyes checked; stuff everyone does but
                                            I’d ignored for so long. And surprisingly,
          lives of others’, shares her experiences
          lives of others’, shares her experiences   I’d ignored for so long. And surprisingly,
                                            managing my new wealth was a
          as a public speaker, and is a regular
          as a public speaker, and is a regular   managing my new wealth was a
          commentator on current affairs and
          commentator on current affairs and   challenge in itself.
                                            challenge in itself.
          business issues with Sky and BBC News.
          business issues with Sky and BBC News.
                                            I then got involved in StartUp Britain at
          She is also author of Amazon best   I then got involved in StartUp Britain at
          She is also author of Amazon best
                                            a time when British enterprise was in a
          seller ‘More balls than most’:    a time when British enterprise was in a
          seller ‘More balls than most’:
                                            tumultuous, challenging period. This was
                                            tumultuous, challenging period. This was
                                            a good way of dipping my toe back in
          We had a plan, which was to take the
          We had a plan, which was to take the   a good way of dipping my toe back in
                                            business, deciding how far in I wanted to
          children away, but I couldn’t leave
          children away, but I couldn’t leave   business, deciding how far in I wanted to
          straightaway as they didn’t have a   go, and which kind, mostly what stage of
          straightaway as they didn’t have a
                                            go, and which kind, mostly what stage of
          replacement CEO. So I stayed on in my   companies interested me.
          replacement CEO. So I stayed on in my
                                            companies interested me.
          role, in my business, as the new less
          role, in my business, as the new less
          than 20% shareholder (when I had been   I’ve been lucky enough to work with so
          than 20% shareholder (when I had been
                                            I’ve been lucky enough to work with so
                                            many fantastic businesses and reflect
          running the show) for nearly a year. It
          running the show) for nearly a year. It   many fantastic businesses and reflect
                                            also on the value of not investing in
          was pretty challenging because I was   also on the value of not investing in
          was pretty challenging because I was
                                            very much at all (except poor digital
          still putting my business first and, in   very much at all (except poor digital
          still putting my business first and, in
                                            investments where, given my then near
          fact, it wasn’t my business.
          fact, it wasn’t my business.      investments where, given my then near
                                            total lack of knowledge, was stupid).
                                            total lack of knowledge, was stupid).
          I desperately wanted to stay on at
          I desperately wanted to stay on at
          Pacific as I had a great team of people
          Pacific as I had a great team of people   Follow your passion
                                            Follow your passion
          but, in the end, I was removed from the
          but, in the end, I was removed from the   Looking back, my dad had gone
                                            Looking back, my dad had gone
          board overnight. Apparently quite a   bankrupt so my driver at Pacific was
                                            bankrupt so my driver at Pacific was
          board overnight. Apparently quite a
                                            that fear of failure. The other fear was
          classic outcome for an enterprise exit
          classic outcome for an enterprise exit   that fear of failure. The other fear was
                                            competitors catching me up, so it was
          of this type to venture capitalists. Not   competitors catching me up, so it was
          of this type to venture capitalists. Not
          unexpected given my strong nature nor   a race. The one thing I should have
          unexpected given my strong nature nor
                                            a race. The one thing I should have
                                            realized sooner was just do what you’re
          the                               realized sooner was just do what you’re
          the stressful timing during the early part stressful timing during the early part
          of 2009. I refused to resign because I
                                            passionate about. Now I’m working
          of 2009. I refused to resign because I   passionate about. Now I’m working
          did not want to be leaving under those   harder than when I ran Pacific, but I
          did not want to be leaving under those
                                            harder than when I ran Pacific, but I
          terms from the company I had built.
          terms from the company I had built.   love it.
                                            love it.
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