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About our supporting partners
For more than a century, we have provided
trusted advice and wealth management
solutions to individuals, families and
institutions. When you choose us as your
wealth management partner, you benefit
from the strength and stability of a truly
global institution and gain access to our
worldwide network of specialists. With a
At RBC Wealth Management, we take the commitment to earning trust and building
time to understand your goals and offer lasting relationships, every interaction with
comprehensive wealth solutions to help you us is defined through our core values and
achieve your life’s vision. As a supporter culture of doing what’s right for our clients
of The Supper Club, we are committed to and helping communities prosper.
helping members and all business owners
make informed financial decisions. Whether Not all investments or services are suitable
your business is in its infancy or you are the for you. It is recommended that you consult
owner of a well-established company, we an independent investment advisor if you
believe accessing the right financial are in doubt about the suitability of any
expertise is crucial. investments or services.
Perhaps you’re looking to invest the Royal Bank of Canada Investment
proceeds from the growth or sale of your Management (U.K.) Limited is registered in
business, protect your wealth from England and Wales with company number
unforeseen claims and liabilities, or 02494634. Its registered office is Riverbank
undertake succession planning with the House, 2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3BF.
future of your business in mind. Whatever Royal Bank of Canada Investment
your needs, we can help you build, preserve Management (U.K.) Limited is authorised
and pass on your hard-earned wealth in a and regulated by the Financial Conduct
way that works for you. Authority.
the sales process. Cavendish is a member
firm of Oaklins - the world’s most
experienced mid-market M&A advisor.
Oaklins trusted senior specialists are
entrepreneurs that have the skills and
experience to ensure the best results for
clients, whether at home or abroad. Oaklins
has closed over 1,500 deals in the past 5
Cavendish is the UK’s leading sell-side M&A years and to ensure the best results, always
advisor. That’s all we do: unlike most involve industry specialists, take a global
advisors, we have only ever provided view and leverage deep local connections.
services for vendors of businesses, which
means we never face the conflicts of Oaklins members listen, understand, and
interest that come with acting for both support you every step of the way – to make
vendors and purchasers. your deal happen.
Our clients include private companies, Cavendish has won numerous prestigious
financial institutions and fully listed public accolades at leading industry awards
companies, across a diverse range of ceremonies over the past decade. In 2017
sectors. We typically manage transactions in alone we have won 8 awards including
the £10 million to £200 million value range – Corporate Finance Boutique of the Year
the ‘mid-market’. (ACQ5) (Lawyer International Global
Awards) (DealMakers Country Awards) and
Since our foundation in 1988, we’ve built Mid-Market Business Disposal Advisory Firm
unrivalled specialist expertise in managing of the Year (CorporateINTL Global Awards).