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           PARTNER INSIGHT:                        LIFE AFTER EXIT: MARTIN SPILLER
           WEALTH TRANSFER                         GOING BACK TO SCHOOL
          Business owners scale by trusting people               I decided to sell out
          with expertise they don’t have, whether                because I wanted to
          it’s their team or their advisers. When it             get fit and didn’t see
          comes to their personal wealth, it’s hard              any real future or
          for entrepreneurs to give up control even              fulfilment in what I
          when they know they aren’t experts.                    was doing. After exit,
                                                                 I took a couple of
          It’s not surprising then that 96% of                   weeks off on holiday
          business owners prefer self-directed                   and then decided to
          education about wealth planning, with    go back to studying and began the three-
          68% doing their own financial research,   year process of becoming a barrister (to
          and 51% turning to family for advice,    add to my accountancy qualification).
          according to a new Wealth Transfer
          Report from RBC Wealth Management        I started lecturing (which I really enjoy)
          and Scorpio Partnership. To gauge        and launch new business ventures in
          attitudes to wealth planning and         totally new areas as well as doing a bit
          advice, RBC took an in-depth look at     of consulting. I was just enjoying myself
          the preparedness of 384 high net worth   and doing anything and everything that I
          business owners, worth US$6.4 million on   thought would add something to my life
          average, across Canada, the UK, and US.  either personally or professionally.
          “Business owners tend to be good at      The good things are that I’ve had some
          addressing the elements of wealth        amazing experiences and I’ve met a
          transfer that relate most closely to their   whole range of new people which I never
          businesses and, as a result, are good at   would have including some real life-long
          handling things like structuring the share   friends. I have cycled across Europe, had
          ownership of the company,” observes      time to do 40 challenges in my 40th year
          Rob Douglas, a Relationship Manager      and learned about sectors and business
          in the Business Owners & Entrepreneurs   areas I never knew anything about.
          team at RBC Wealth Management.
          “Where they tend to be less focused is on   I can only think of two negatives. I
          important elements of their own personal   eventually tired of the pluralist career and
          affairs. This is highlighted by the fact that   miss the structure and organisation of
          22% of business owners have not started   having one single focus. Working on lots
          any wealth transfer planning and only    of different things can be quite hard work
          51% have a will.”                        and sometimes less fulfilling than building
                                                   something. The other issue is financial;
          The report found that 40% plan to        having capital assets rather than income
          transfer wealth to their children while   has resulted in a change of mind-set
          they’re living. “Many business owners like   (particularly post-divorce!).
          the idea that their business achievements
          can go on to benefit others during their   A new challenge I’ve had to overcome is
          lifetime,” says Rob. “Giving while living   the realization that not everything you
          is a growing feature of how successful   touch will turn to gold. I was 28 when I
          business owners approach their wealth    left corporate finance and Only 4 U was
          and their legacies.”                     phenomenally successful; growing from
                                                   nothing to £15m turnover in 5 years. In
          Members of The Supper Club agree that    the years since exit I have put money and
          children need to be educated about       time into a number of ventures and some
          money as it’s often the third generation   of them have failed spectacularly and
          that squanders it. One member holds a    that can dent your ego a little bit.
          family meeting every 6 months to talk
          about ‘Health, Wealth and Happiness’     Being in groups like The Supper Club and
          where their children discuss what they’ve   sharing experiences, both good and bad,
          achieved or pitch for more money.        is extremely helpful and I make sure that
                                                   each year I review what has gone well,
          For more insights, read the full report   what hasn’t and what I can do more of
          at          next year.
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