Page 16 - BB_Sept_2018
P. 16


                    BUILDERS TO GET SERIOUS

                       ABOUT CYBER SECURITY

            The infamous 2013 Target cyber attack,              information. And most business-critical information
            which saw credit and debit card                     – like building plans and proposals – is also kept in a
                                                                digital format.
            information from 40 million consumers                  So it’s little wonder why a residential construction
            exposed, began when hackers gained                  business might be a target for cyber criminals.
            access to the Target payment system                    “It really is not a matter of if, but when,” said
            through an HVAC contractor.                         Kristen Hilton, CIPP/US, an attorney with Sussman
                                                                Shank LLP in Oregon. “And, of course, how much it
               With nearly every aspect of the home building
            industry moving online and most information stored   will cost.”
            in digital formats, it’s time for every home builder to   Loss of trade secrets, loss of reputation and even
            seriously assess their cyber security and potential   elicit bank account access are certainly huge concerns
            exposure to liability.                              in a cyber attack. But the liability associated with
                                                                exposing others’ personal and sensitive information to
               Home builders store and electronically share
            a trove of personal and financial data on clients,   intrusions is where the real risk lies.
            potential clients, vendors, suppliers, partners        “There are many state privacy law implications
            and more. Some of this data includes payment        to storing information containing personal and

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