Page 17 - BB_Sept_2018
P. 17

Business owners also
            should consider cyber

            insurance coverage.

            If a breach or digital
            theft occurs, the policy

            can cover some or all

            of a company’s losses.
            And many policies for

            small businesses are

            affordable at around
            $200 per month.

            financial data,” said Hilton.                                        of their information security
            “If that data were to be                                             practices. This includes identifying
            exposed, there could be legal   “   It really is not                 where important data is stored
            and civil liability.”                                                and how it is accessed – for
               Hilton notes that                a matter of if,                  example, are important files kept
            construction companies,            but when…                         on a cloud server? What is the
            like most other businesses,                                          security like on that server? – and
            have numerous points of                                              developing an incident response
            entry for malicious hackers.      And, of course,                    and business continuity plan in
            “Many people connect               how much it                       the event of an intrusion.
            their company laptops and                                               Vendors and suppliers should
            tablets to public Wi-Fi,” she      will cost.”                       also attest to their security
            noted. “That could be a                                              measures and be prepared to
            vulnerability.”                    –Kristen Hilton                   provide documentation.
               The first line of defense         CIPP/US, an attorney with          Business owners also should
            is strong digital information       SussmanShank LLP in Oregon       consider cyber insurance coverage.
            training for all employees,                                          If a breach or digital theft occurs,
            not just those that operate                                          the policy can cover some or all
            computers and other                                                  of a company’s losses. And many
            connected devices. All                                               policies for small businesses are
            employees should be aware of phishing and other     affordable at around $200 per month.
            social engineering techniques that are popular with    For more information on construction liability,
            cyber criminals.                                    contact David Jaffe at 202-266-8317.

               Home builders must also conduct an audit                                               NAHB JULY 2018

                                      SEPTEMBER 2018  |  GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION                   17
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