Page 21 - BB_Sept_2018
P. 21

is really urban with lots of action and walkability   financial necessity: the population at ages once
            to everything. Instead, the majority would like a   considered retirement-ready wants the stay active
            suburban area with an urban feel: a                              and engaged.
            home in the suburbs, but surrounded                                 Among those 55+ households we
            by shopping, entertainment and lots     Among those 55+          surveyed, 41% said that at least one
            of activities.                             households            person was still working full time,
               It’s a concept we call “surban™”                              including 22% of households in which
            — bringing the best of urban            we surveyed, 41%         both spouses were working full time.
            conveniences to a traditionally          said that at least      The results vary by age, obviously, with
            suburban environment.                                            a much higher share of households in
               In our survey, 55+ consumers          one person was          their mid-to-late 50s (73%) working than
            responded more positively to the         still working full      those in their 70s (approximately 7-10%).
            surban concept than did the under-55                                Employment status certainly has
            households. the main distinction is,      time, including        an impact on housing choices. Our
            of course, life stage/family status. For      22% of             survey shows notable differences
            younger households with children, the                            between those active adults who are
            surban concept is less practical: they     households            truly retired and those empty-nester
            need space, bigger yards and more         in which both          consumers who are still working—
            bedrooms.                                                        even for the same age cohort. These
                                                      spouses were
               But we found that 55% of older                                differences may seem obvious, but
            households preferred the surban         working full time.       now they are quantifiable. Here are
            concept—a very similar rate to young                             a few examples:
            singles and young couples without                                   Age-restricted communities:
            kids. The surban lifestyle is not appealing just to   For 55+ households with no retirees, moving to an
            particular age groups, but is more directly tied to   age-restricted (55+) community appeals to just 20%
            family composition.                                 of shoppers. 55% of that group says they would
               This very scenario seems to be playing out in    prefer to live in a community with no age restrictions.
            real life. Developers of surban-like communities    However, there are a couple things that change the
            who thought they were going to attract a majority   preference for age-qualified communities:
            of younger buyers were surprised to see a greater      Age itself. Preference for age-restricted
            number of older buyers than they originally         communities runs at 25% or lower until shoppers
            expected.                                           reach the age of 65+, when the preference jumps to
               It makes sense: the older buyers have the net    33%. so as boomers are working longer and retiring
            worth—driven by the equity in their current home    later, they’re not thinking about the age-qualified,
            —to purchase these homes that are likely more       lifestyle communities until later.
            expensive (on a per square-foot basis) than a          Actual retirement. Similarly, the act of retirement
            traditional suburban home, but still less expensive   affects consideration for age-restricted communities.
            than homes in truly urban/downtown areas.           For households with at least one retiree, the

               As the trend of urban-like living in the suburbs   desirability for age-restricted jumps to 33%, while
            continues to rise, look to the older households to   the preference for a no-restrictions community
            comprise a notable share of this growth.            drops to 42%. Once a couple enters the retirement
                                                                phase of life, their options for moving really open
            Working Longer / Retiring Later
                                                                up, since they no longer have a commute and are
               Labor force participation rates for the older    no longer tethered to a location by their job. And, of
            population are at the highest levels in decades.    course, their time commitments change. Retirement
            Given longer life expectancies, many older          brings more free time and lends itself to shoppers
            households are working longer because they have     wanting to be in a community with others more like
            a longer retirement to finance. But it is not just about   themselves.

                                      SEPTEMBER 2018  |  GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION                   21
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