Page 22 - BB_Sept_2018
P. 22

Who Is Your Boomer Consumer?
            Continued from p 21                                      Once a couple enters the retirement

               Taken together, these developments in                 phase of life, their options for moving
            consideration for an age-restricted community have        really open up, since they no longer
            major implications for developers and builders.
            The consumer target for these communities is              have a commute and are no longer
            shifting. While 55 used to be the “golden moment”          tethered to a location by their job.
            for consideration of a retirement community, that
            moment has shifted by a decade.
                                                                at least one retiree planned to move out of state,
               Moving distance. A correlate of an age-restricted   compared to just 26% with no retirees.
            lifestyle community is often a willingness or desire
            to move. Especially for retirees in high-tax states,   In sum, the need, interest and willingness among
            or states with less-than-pleasant weather, moving   the current wave of boomers to remain in the
            to a destination state with a great age-restricted   workforce is having a major impact on age-oriented
            community can be a real attraction. One of the      communities and moving between states.
            things that age restricted/ lifestyle communities do   Sandwich Generation
            is provide a ready-made social system people can       Our survey suggests that 41% of current new
            easily plug into. The coordinated activities really fill   home shoppers think it likely or very likely that an
            the new-found free time for a recent retiree.       elderly parent (18%), an adult child (13%) or both
               So while only 17% of new home shoppers of all    (10%) will be living with them in their next new
            ages surveyed told us that they plan to move to a   home. In addition, 7% of shoppers 55 years and
            different state, the number jumps to 29% for 55+    older have at least one minor living at home. In
            households. Thirty-one percent of households with   fact, for those 55-59 years of age, the rate is 14%!

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