Page 20 - BB_Sept_2018
P. 20


            by Steve Burch and Chris Porter                        > As the trend of urban-like living in the suburbs
                                                                    continues to rise, look to the older households
            This next year marks an important
                                                                    to comprise a notable share of this growth.
            consumer milestone: In 2019, the very                   This is impacting the older shoppers’
            last of the baby boomers will turn 55.                  community and location preference and is
            This generation, whose impact on                        beginning to remake the suburbs.
            society has been well documented                       > It is no big surprise that Americans are working
                                                                    later in life. Labor force participation rates for
            through their childhood and working                     the older population are at the highest levels in
            years, is now redefining the empty nester               decades. While this situation has a number of
            and retirement years.                                   societal impacts, it is  pushing consideration for
                                                                    age-restricted communities to an older age.
               We culled some fascinating trends among             > Due to longevity and delayed child bearing,
            households aged 55+ from our nationwide survey of       the boomers are the first real “sandwich
            new home shoppers. More than 8,700 active adults        generation” simultaneously caring for their
            and retirees shared with us the key items they are      adult children and aging parents. This is
            looking for in their next home and next community,      having a distinct impact on the need for multi-
            showing just how differently—or similarly—they are      generational homes.
            shopping compared to their predecessors.
               Here are the key impacts boomers are having on   ‘Surban’ Popularity:
            location selection, community selection and issues     Less than 5% of the 55+ population in our survey
            that inform their choice of home layouts.           wants a truly downtown experience—a place that

      20                              SEPTEMBER 2018  |  GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION
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