Page 24 - Handbook DPG 2019-08 VER 2
P. 24
Items Not Permitted at Any Time:
• See through items, including lighter colored shirts or
• Any athletic apparel, including hoodies and Under-
Armor type pullovers
• Sweatpants, or track suits
• Tennis shoes or sneakers
• Flip flops
• Tank tops
• Any article of clothing that is too baggy or too tight
• Any item that is ripped, frayed, stained, or damaged in
any way
While normally we use guidelines to dictate employee dress,
the above items are mandatory rules. Any employee wearing
inappropriate attire, not limited to the items listed above, will be
sent home to change, or will be asked to take a day off.
Expense Reimbursement
Supervisory authorization is required prior to incurring an
expense on behalf of DPG. Reimbursement for authorized
expenses requires submitting an expense report/voucher
accompanied by receipts and approval by your manager. Expense
reports/vouchers must be submitted every two weeks, as you
incur authorized reimbursable expenses. Approved expenses will
be reimbursed the last pay day of each month.
Fiduciary Duty
All employees are to be free from the influence of any conflicting
interest when they represent DPG in negotiations or make
recommendations with respect to dealings with third parties.
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