Page 144 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 144
sciences and
3. analyze how self-
awareness affects
behavior and social
actions; and
4. engage in self-reflection
to facilitate awareness
on the
interconnectedness of
4 After the completion of the III. Nationalism, Lecture Distance Teacher Video demo on Oct. 8,
week chapter, students will be Citizenship and Discussion Mode Made Filipino 2020
able to: Nation-building Supplemen Citizenship
1. discuss the concepts of 3.1 Basic concepts Video tary Values Stories
nationalism, citizenship, of Nationalism, Presentation Learning (by group)
civic-mindedness, and Citizenship and Material
nation-building; and Nation-building
2. develop a deeper 3.2 Appreciation of 1935/1943/
appreciation of Filipino 1972
nationalism and citizenship and Philippine
Philippine citizenship nationalism Constitution
and its concomitant 3.3 Articulation of s
privileges, duties, and the vital role of
responsibilities. performing the Article 4 of
duties and the 1987
responsibilities Philippine
of Filipino Constitution
citizens in
shaping and Quezon’s
building the Code of
Filipino nation Citizenship
and Ethics
of 1937