Page 144 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 144

sciences and
                        3. analyze how self-
                          awareness affects
                          behavior and social
                          actions; and
                        4. engage in self-reflection
                          to facilitate awareness
                          on the
                          interconnectedness of
                  4     After the completion of the   III. Nationalism,       Lecture             Distance     Teacher       Video demo on       Oct. 8,
                 week  chapter, students will be        Citizenship and       Discussion            Mode       Made          Filipino            2020
                        able to:                        Nation-building                                        Supplemen     Citizenship
                        1. discuss the concepts of      3.1 Basic concepts    Video                            tary          Values Stories
                          nationalism, citizenship,         of Nationalism,   Presentation                     Learning      (by group)
                          civic-mindedness, and             Citizenship and                                    Material
                          nation-building; and              Nation-building
                        2. develop a deeper             3.2 Appreciation of                                    1935/1943/
                          appreciation of                   Filipino                                           1972
                          nationalism and                   citizenship and                                    Philippine
                          Philippine citizenship            nationalism                                        Constitution
                          and its concomitant           3.3 Articulation of                                    s
                          privileges, duties, and           the vital role of
                          responsibilities.                 performing the                                     Article 4 of
                                                            duties and                                         the 1987
                                                            responsibilities                                   Philippine
                                                            of Filipino                                        Constitution
                                                            citizens in
                                                            shaping and                                        Quezon’s
                                                            building the                                       Code of
                                                            Filipino nation                                    Citizenship
                                                                                                               and Ethics
                                                                                                               of 1937

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