Page 149 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 149

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                 12     After the completion of the   X. National Security    Lecture             Distance     Teacher       Illustration with   Dec. 3,
                 week  chapter, students will be        10.1 Human            Discussion            Mode       Made          explanation on      2020
                        able to:                             Security and                                      Supplemen     how to defend
                        1. define national security;         National         Video                            tary          our national
                        2. identify the elements of          Security         Presentation                     Learning      security
                          national security;            10.2 National                                          Material
                        3. appreciate the                    Security and
                          significance of NSTP to            the NSTP                                          National
                          national security; and             Program                                           Security
                        4. identify different treats to   10.3 Threats to                                      Policy
                          national security                  National
                          including health security.         Security                                          COVID-19
                                                             10.3.1 Man                                        Pandemic
                                                                   Made                                        Reports
                                                             10.3.2 Natural
                                                         10.4 Health
                 13 th –   After the completion of the   XI. Disaster         Lecture             Distance     Teacher       Poster making      Dec. 17,
                 14   chapter, students will be         Mitigation,           Discussion            Mode       Made          on disaster         2020
                 week  able to:                         Adaptation and                                         Supplemen     preparedness
                        1. articulate the basic         Preparedness          Video                            tary
                          concepts in DRRM;             Strategies            Presentation                     Learning
                        2. recognize the disaster       11.1 DRRM terms                                        Material
                          risk profile of the               and concepts
                          Philippines and their own     11.2 Hazard profile                                    RA 10121
                          localities;                       of the                                             and IRR
                        3. discuss the Philippine           Philippines
                          DRRM Framework and                11.2.1
                          the CvSU DRRM                     Hydrometeorolo
                          Framework.                        gical Hazards

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