Page 146 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 146
7 After the completion of the VI. Human Dignity Lecture Distance Teacher Connected Oct. 29,
week chapter, students will be and Human Rights Discussion Mode Made cards on 2020
able to: 6.1 Concepts and Supplemen important
1. discuss historical events, principles of Video tary human rights
basic concepts and human rights Presentation Learning
principles of human 6.2 The laws and Material
dignity, human rights declarations
and common good; that protect 1987
2. be aware and appreciate human rights Philippine
of laws and declarations 6.3 The different Constitution
that protect human dimensions of , Article III
rights; human rights
3. be exposed to human 6.3.1 Civil and The United
rights situations and Political Nations
issues in the Philippines; Rights General
and 6.3.2 Economic, Assembly.
4. contribute to the social and Covenant
protection and rights on
enhancement of human 7.4 The human Economoni
rights in the Philippines rights situation c, Social,
in the Cultural
Philippines Rights
8 After the completion of the VII. Gender and Lecture Distance Teacher Activity to raise Nov 5, 2020
week chapter, students will be Development Discussion Mode Made awareness of
able to: 7.1 GAD basic Supplemen gender
1. discuss the basic concepts and Video tary stereotyping
concepts of sex, gender, definition Presentation Learning
gender identity and 7.2 Laws Material
sexual orientation; upholding
2. recognize the current gender rights RA 9710:
gender situation and 7.3 Gender Magna
gender concerns in the situation and Carta of
Philippines; and concerns Women