Page 147 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 147
3. discuss practices Violence
upholding gender- Against
sensitive culture. Women
and Their
Act of 2004
9 Reflection Paper in two pages (Individual) Nov. 6,
week “What I’ve learned in all of the discussions?” 2020
“What are the significance of the discussed
topics to my life?”
“How could I improve myself or help in
developing others and the community?”
10 After the completion of the VIII. Environmental Lecture Distance Teacher Completing Nov. 19,
week chapter, students will be Protection and Discussion Mode Made Matrix on 2020
able to: Management Supplemen Types of
1. recognize the present 8.1 Perspectives on Video tary Wastes and
environmental conditions the Environment Presentation Learning Waste
and challenges in both 8.2 Contemporary Material Management
local and global context; Environmental
2. discuss the roles of Issues R.A. 9003
institutions, communities 8.2.1 Global Ecological
and individuals in EPM environmental Solid
to achieve balance in situation Waste
serving humanity and 8.2.2 Environmen Manageme
protecting the tal situation nt
in the
environment; and Philippines
3. apply best practices and 8.3 Our role in R.A. 8794
lifestyle choices that Environmental Clean Air
contribute to Protection Act
environmental protection 8.3.1 Ecological
and preservation. Footprint R.A. 9275
and Clean
Lifestyle Water Act