Page 161 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 161

with Philippine Folk  Albay/Baingles               (Option 1)      (printed) for pick      Video          (Practical
                        Dance; and                                                         up at the campus    demonstratio        Based
                        2.  demonstrate      b. Dance literature of      Online video         or via home       n made by       Assessment
                        the dance with                                   demonstration      delivery through    the faculty       Rubrics)
                        physical clarity.    Pantomina de              will be conducted        courier
                                             Albay/Baingles             among students      among students        Rubrics
                                                                          with internet     without internet
                                             c. Dance Execution           connection          connection       Power Point
                                                                           (Option 2)          (Option 1)      Presentation

                                                                        execution of folk   Via Zoom, google
                                                                             dance         classroom, and fb
                                                                        Consultation via    among students
                                                                            call, text       with internet
                                                                       message, instant       connection
                                                                       messaging, group        (Option 2)
                                                                         chats, e-mail.

                                                                                           Upload PPT and
                                                                                            video on the FB

                  6     After the            V. Social Dance              Self-paced        Distance Mode:
                        completion of the                               learning through                                         OBA 4: 3 to       End of
                        chapter, students    1  Common Dance           learning modules      Via call, text      Learning        5min. video      Week 6
                        will be able to:        Terminologies in La       for students      message, data         Module        presentation
                                                Cumbia/Caramba/M        without internet   connection, email                   performing the
                        1. Be familiar and      ambosamba                 connection       etc. or hard copy                    social dance
                        knowledgeable        2  Dance literature of        (Option 1)      (printed) for pick      Video          (Practical
                        with Social Dances      La                                         up at the campus    demonstratio        Based
                        and                     Cumbia/Caramba/M         Online video         or via home       n made by       Assessment
                        2. able to              ambosamba                demonstration      delivery through    the faculty       Rubrics)
                        demonstrate the         Dance Execution        will be conducted        courier

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