Page 164 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 164

messaging, group       group/page
                                                                         chats, e-mail.     among students
                                                                                             with internet
                                                                                               (Option 2)

                                                                                           Upload PPT and
                                                                                            video on the FB

                 11     After the            II. Practicing the basic     Self-paced        Distance Mode:
                        completion of the    punches, defense and       learning through                                        OBA 7: A 3 to      End of
                        chapter, students    foot work in boxing       learning modules      Via call, text      Learning        5min. video     Week 11
                        will be able to:                                  for students      message, data         Module        presentation
                        1. perform the       Punches:                   without internet   connection, email                   performing the
                        basic punches,              •  Jab                connection       etc. or hard copy                    basic skills of
                        defense and                 •  Right Cross         (Option 1)      (printed) for pick      Video           boxing
                        footwork.                      or Left Cross                       up at the campus    demonstratio       (Practical
                        2. master the               •  Right and         Online video         or via home       n made by          Based
                        proper execution of            Left Hook         demonstration      delivery through    the faculty     Assessment
                        punches, defense            •  Right and       will be conducted        courier                           Rubrics)
                        and foot work.                 Left Upper       among students      among students        Rubrics
                                                       cut                with internet     without internet
                                                                          connection          connection       Power Point
                                             Defense:                      (Option 2)          (Option 1)      Presentation
                                                    •  Slip
                                                    •  Bob and
                                                       weave               Individual      Via Zoom, google
                                                    •  Parry/Block        execution of     classroom, and fb
                                                    •  Cover up          different basic      group/page
                                                    •  Clinch            skills in boxing   among students

                                                                                             with internet
                                                                        Consultation via      connection
                                             Foot work:
                                                                            call, text         (Option 2)

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