Page 163 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 163

•  Break Dance             Individual
                                                                          execution of     Via Zoom, google
                                                                         modern dance      classroom, and fb
                                                                        Consultation via    among students
                                                                            call, text       with internet
                                                                       message, instant       connection
                                                                       messaging, group        (Option 2)
                                                                         chats, e-mail.
                                                                                           Upload PPT and
                                                                                            video on the FB

                  9                             Midterm Exam                                A 3 to 5 min. video presentation performing the popular dance
                                                                                                        (Practical Based Assessment Rubrics)

                 10     After the            I. Introduction              Self-paced        Distance Mode:
                        completion of the    Sport Boxing/ Kick         learning through                                       OBA 6: Chapter      End of
                        chapter, students    Boxing                    learning modules      Via call, text      Learning       Assessment       Week 10
                        will                                              for students      message, data         Module       Essay; explain
                         be able to:         A. History of boxing/kick   without internet   connection, email                  the importance
                        1. Understand the    boxing                       connection       etc. or hard copy   Power Point      of boxing/kick
                        history and the      B. Sports equipment           (Option 1)      (printed) for pick   Presentation   boxing as self-
                        importance of        and facilities                                up at the campus                     defense and
                        boxing/kick boxing   C. Basic skills           Online discussion      or via home                      also how it can
                        as self defense      D. Values and Ethics in   will be conducted    delivery through                     be fun and
                        2. knowing them      playing boxing/ kick       among students          courier                          interesting
                        that it is not just a   boxing                    with internet     among students                     sport. (Minimum
                        self-defense it is   E. Terminologies in          connection        without internet                   of 2 pages and
                        also fun and         Boxing/ Kick Boxing           (Option 2)         connection                       it can be written
                        interesting sport                                                      (Option 1)                      either in English
                                                                                                                                 or Tagalog)
                                                                        Consultation via
                                                                            call, text     Via Zoom, google
                                                                       message, instant  classroom, and fb

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