Page 226 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 226

*Level :          I-Introductory         E- Enabling           D-Demonstrative
                                                                          COURSE COVERAGE
                                                                                            Mode of       Resources                                  Due
                Wee    Intended Learning              Topic             Teaching and        Delivery        Needed          Outcomes-based         Date of
                 k                                                         Learning                                                                Submis
                No.     Outcomes (ILO)                                 Activities (TLA)                                    Assessment (OBA)        sion of

                 1     After the completion                            Orientation
                       of the chapter,                                 Creation of FB
                       students will be                                Group of the
                       able to:                                        class

                       1.  Introduce                                   Video clippings
                           oneself                                     (
                       2.  Know the                                    _4bQ1Z9gUuA)
                           course syllabus,                                               Distance
                           class policies                              For student with                 Course Syllabus
                           and regulations.        Introduction        Internet                         Student
                       3.  Remember the       Class Orientation and    connection:        Lectures      Handbook             Reflection Paper     14 Sept.
                                                                                          will be
                           course               Course overview        Meeting via        posted in
                           requirements                                Zoom
                       4.  Know the                                                       Google
                           availability of                             For student
                           internet                                    without internet
                           connection                                  connection:
                           among                                       Printed Syllabus
                           students.                                   can be picked-up
                                                                       by the
                                                                       at the Campus.
                2-3    After the completion  I.  Meaning and           1.  Reflective     Distance      Laptop/            1.  Produce             Septem
                       of the chapter,          Relevance of              Learning        Mode          Smartphone             examples       of   ber 21,
                       students will be         history                   through                                              primacy  sources     2020
                       able to:                 a.  Distinction of        Museum and      Lectures      Reference Book         and           the
                       1.  evaluate                 primary and           archives        will be                              corresponding

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